Azure Serenity Kyanite Bracelet


Color: Gold

Rose Gold
Product Properties
In the endless tapestry of existence, there lies a gentle yearning in every soul to touch the tender hues of the divine, to traverse the ethereal bridge between the earthly and the celestial. It is here, in this tender voyage, that the Azure Serenity Kyanite Bracelet finds its essence, cradling within its delicate form the serene allure of Kyanite—a gemstone revered as the touchstone of spiritual alignment and celestial communion.

Each bead of Kyanite in the Azure Serenity Kyanite Bracelet is a droplet of the boundless sky, a cool embrace of tranquil blues that beckons one towards the inner sanctum of self-discovery. As you encircle your wrist with this celestial companion, feel the gentle whisper of Kyanite guiding you back to your spiritual essence, nurturing a harmonious flow that requires no ceaseless cleansing, a sweet serenade to the gentle grace of being.

Gently cradling your wrist, the Kyanite does not merely adorn but whispers tales of her timeless saga. The Ancient Greeks, in their wisdom, christened her 'Disthene', honoring the duality of her might. This ethereal gem is a repository of untainted energy, never yielding to the cacophony of negativity, remaining ever pristine in her radiant resonance.

But the allure of Kyanite extends beyond mere strength. In her heart lies a bridge, a cosmic causeway, marrying our material realm with ethereal expanses beyond our ken. Entrust in her, and you might just find your thoughts laced with intuitive foresight, your words singing with telepathic cadence, and your being basking in a more profound connection.

Let Azure Serenity Kyanite Bracelet be your guiding star, your bridge between realms, and your testament to the boundless strength of dualities coexisting in ethereal harmony. 🌌🌊🌟

Affirmation: “I am clear-eyed, connected to all aspects of the self, and perfectly aligned”

  • Stones:  Kyanite
  • Bead Size: 3mm
  • Bracelet Length: 6.3“ + 2” (Extension)

    A Youwow bracelet is:

    • Authentic stones: We create our beads from raw stones, whose authenticity and quality are carefully checked by our expert gemologist. To wrap a Youwows bracelet around your wrist is to surround yourself with the therapeutic forces of Mother Earth.
    • A preserved vibration: This careful selection of gemstones allows them to fully retain their pure and natural vibrations; Their powers over body and mind are intact.
    • Unique Design: Each product has been hand-picked for a variety of uses - to improve focus, to invite abundance into your life, to deconstruct energy blockages - whatever you seek during your moments of prosperity.
    • Durable Material: We have chosen the finest jewelry steel wire, imported from Japan, for its exceptional quality.
    • Experienced and ethical manufacturers: We work with suppliers who care about the environment and responsible mining.
    • Purified with Palo Santo before shipping.

    Beautiful Sustainable

    Design by heart, made by hand

    Each piece is made with great care and dedication by all of our team. All of them are an essential part of us and have become part of YOUWOWS Family. They put their heart and soul into every piece they make, and they hope that you will enjoy wearing it as much as they have enjoyed making it for you.

    We know that when you buy a piece of jewelry, you're not just buying something beautiful to wear—you're buying into an experience. You're buying into the story behind it. You're buying into the artisan mom who created it, who makes each piece with love and care and dedication.

    And when you wear your YOUWOWS pieces? Your story becomes theirs, too—and we want to hear all about it! So please tag us on instagram when you get your new favorite necklace or bracelet in the mail! We would love to see how much joy your new piece brings to your life!

    Beautiful Sustainable

    We want to take the time to thank you for choosing our product. We believe that every product should be made with the health of the earth in mind, and we are proud to say that our products is not only eco-friendly but is made with natural gemstones and hand-woven cowhide rope, which can fully return to the natural state with a biodegradation rate of more than 95%.

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